
Hello and welcome!

We are Anthony and Jankel Cadavid, husband and wife, founders, and hosts of The College Metropolis Podcast.  We are happy that you are here, and grateful that you want to get to know us better!

Our lives in higher education

In 2004, we began our careers in higher education. While our careers have been in different areas, they are complementary. This allows us to share a well-rounded perspective with our audience about the college preparation and admission process.

While the greatest part of my experience in higher education comes from being a professor teaching courses to freshman and sophomore-level college students, Jankel’s experience comes from years holding leadership positions in the offices of admissions, recruitment, financial aid, and international students throughout her career.

Our purpose in creating The College Metropolis Podcast

Our purpose to create the CMP, and everything that is part of it, is to give high school students the information they need so they can have a solid chance to reach their college goals and become the professionals they want to become. That is the reason why we do everything we do here.

We are driven by a desire to give high school students who want to achieve their college dreams, the information needed to carry them out. We want all high school kids, especially those with little resources and means, to know all that is available to them regarding colleges and universities, and the steps to carry out their dreams.

That is the aspiration that guides Jankel and I in everything we do here!

We believe there are 5 elements high school students need to succeed in the college prep and admission process

In our years in higher education, we have witnessed and, in some cases, participated in the success of a great number of students who achieved their goals and developed into great professionals.

Some of those students came from backgrounds that
offered them plenty of opportunity to succeed, while others had very little. But they all achieved and, in some cases, surpassed what they had dreamed of achieving.

We have also seen the opposite play out in the lives of many high school kids, even those with every resource and opportunity available to them to succeed. Unfortunately, a great number of them will carry that unrealized potential throughout their lives.

In all those scenarios, we had the privilege of seeing what worked and did not work for these students. Based on that, and on all we have learned in our higher education careers, we believe in the following five elements, which together form the foundation that is necessary for high school kids to be successful in the college prep and college admission process.

To achieve their dreams for college success, high school students need:

[#One] To succeed, high school students need ample family support

Success for high school students depends, in great part, on the support they receive from their parents. They play an extremely important part in the entire process.

To help parents know how to best support their high school kids, we produce content on this podcast for them, so they can be empowered to do their part in helping their kids achieve success.

[#Two] To succeed, high school students need acknowledgement and respect for their dreams

Every kid has dreams of becoming an amazing and successful professional. Those dreams live within them. They represent who they are and who they aspire to be.  To high school kids, and to all of us, dreams are the engines that drive us.

Dreams are personal, powerful, and when guided properly, they can be transformational. Because of that, the dreams of a high school kid must be respected. Parents play a big role in the shaping of those dreams, and in helping those dreams become the series of goals that are needed so they become a reality. 

To help high school kids discover what is available to them after high school, we present careers and professions, and the colleges and universities where they could receive the education that will allow them to turn those dreams into reality.

We also provide parents with the steps to take, as they play the important role they play in that process.

[#Three] To succeed, high school students need access to good information

There are many myths that plague the college admission process. Some of them are so prevalent that they are believed to be true. There is also a great deal of misinformation handed out by people that often times mean well, but end up creating the opposite effect.

Equally as damaging is the amount of information that many high school students across the country do not have. The combination of misinformation and no information ensures that kids preparing for college do not make optimal decisions regarding their college future. In fact, some of them decide to stay away from college based on what they have been led to believe.

We dispel myths and eliminate misinformation by presenting facts in every piece of content we provide, every guest we host on the podcast, and every resource we present.

[#Four] To succeed, high school students need guidance to achieve a clear vision

High school students need to know the specifics of what they are supposed to do, how those things need to get done, and when they are to be done, to achieve success in the college prep and college admission process. Without detailed information, it is very difficult, and in some cases, impossible to succeed.

High school students are supposed to take the right
classes each year of high school, earn high enough grades, and develop the right habits, to be prepared for college. They are also supposed to take a number of steps, in the right manner, and at the right time, to successfully manage the college admission process.

When you think about that from the perspective of high school kids, you will appreciate the level of anxiety and stress that all of those expectations can place on them, especially when they do not have a clear vision for what they are supposed to do.

To help them gain the clarity they need to do what they have to do, how they are expected to do it, and when they are supposed to do it, we produce episodes with detailed information about each step. To simplify it further, we have created a number of episodes outlining what they are supposed to do each year of high school.

When students have a clear vision for all that they are supposed to do, and it is broken down into individual, easy-to-digest steps, they buy into the idea that can indeed do it all, and that allows them to feel empowered and in control of their futures.

We believe that exposing high school students to the lives of real professionals in different industries is very motivating to them. It exposes them to careers and professions that they may find interesting, and allows them to value the college prep and admission process as the vehicle that will get them there.

Jankel and I bring on professionals from different industries to the show, to share with our audience the details about their career and professions. We cover everything from when they were in high school, to their years in college, and their lives as professionals making a difference in our world.

We believe this is a great way to give high school students a vision for the careers and professions they may want to pursue in college, and to strengthen their dedication to their college prep and college admission process.

[#Five] To succeed, high school students need discernment to choose the colleges that offer them the best fit

We believe it is very important for high school students to know how to uncover the colleges and universities that offer them the best fit. That is to say, the colleges and universities that best meet their needs. That is something each student has to find on his or her own.

Those are the colleges and universities that will give each of those students the ability to develop to his or her utmost potential. There is no college or university that is a good fit for every student, and that includes the most popular, elite, and highly selective institutions.

There are hundreds of great colleges and universities in the country that are exemplary institutions. The great majority are academically solid and offer a great many students a chance to strengthen their academic mettle, as they develop their leadership potential, and gain an appreciation for the good the can offer the world at large.

These are institutions that, for decades or centuries, have been making a profound difference in the lives of many students. Unfortunately, every year, a greater number of students miss out on those colleges and universities because they do not know too much about them.

And, based on that lack of knowledge, that great number of students miss the opportunity to attend the colleges that were created to fit their needs and give them the best chance to prosper.

We introduce our audience to great institutions around the country, where they may find their best fit.

Our very best for you

For Jankel and I, it is very exciting to bring you all that we have learned and experienced in our combined thirty-plus years of experience, so you can put it to use to your benefit.

Whether you are a high school student, or the parent or family member of a high school student, you can rest assured knowing that we will always bring you the very best we and our guests have to offer.

We are grateful that you are here, and we look forward to your success!


About the Hosts

Anthony CadavidProfile Photo

Anthony Cadavid

Professor and higher education expert.

Jankel CadavidProfile Photo

Jankel Cadavid

Higher education and college admission expert.